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This page looks at how age affects education in different areas of the world.

Age vs Completion Rates

Upper Secondary

Description of Graph and Insights

This scatter plot shows the total percentage of upper secondary students who have completed the level of education associated with their age. The data is divided by each country and it is color coded based on the region*. This data was last updated in May 2022. Based on the color division of the regions, it is evident that countries within the same region have similar percentages of students who have completed the level of education associated with their age. However, there are some exceptions like: Antigua and Barbuda that seem to have percentages that are different from the rest of the countries in their region. Additionally, based on the plot the general upper secondary completion rates ranking based on the region would be ECA, then LAC and EAP, then MENA, then SA, and finally, SSA - where this ranking is based on a descending order of the completion rates.

Lower Secondary

Description of Graph and Insights

This scatter plot shows the total percentage of lower secondary students who have completed the level of education associated with their age. The data is divided by each country and it is color-coded based on the region*. This data was last updated in May 2022. Based on the color division of the regions, it is evident that countries within the same region have similar percentages of students who have completed the level of education associated with their age. However, there are some exceptions like: Sudan and Burkina Faso that seem to have percentages that are different from the rest of the countries in their region. Additionally, based on the plot the general upper secondary completion rates ranking based on the region would be ECA, then LAC and EAP, then MENA and SA, and finally, SSA - where this ranking is based on a descending order of the completion rates.

Primary Level

Description of Graph and Insights

This scatter plot shows the total percentage of primary secondary students who have completed the level of education associated with their age. The data is divided by each country and it is color-coded based on the region*. This data was last updated in May 2022. Based on the color division of the regions, it is evident that countries within the same region have similar percentages of students who have completed the level of education associated with their age. However, there are some exceptions like Honduras that seem to have percentages that are different from the rest of the countries in their region. Additionally, based on the plot the general upper secondary completion rates ranking based on the region would be ECA, then LAC and EAP, then MENA and SA, and finally, SSA - where this ranking is based on a descending order of the completion rates.

Comparison of Three Graphs

Looking at the three graphs, there seems to be a general trend amongst the percentages of students who have completed the level of education associated with their age in each region. However, the data seems to show that there is a slight decrease in the completion rates with higher levels of education, which would make sense.

Age vs Percentage of Educated people based on Country and Region

Upper Secondary

Lower Secondary

Primary Level

Description of Graphs and Insights

These graphs show a sunburst representation of percentage comparisons for students based on their country. The data is color-coded based on the region* of each country and it is also divided into categories based on the development** of each country. This data is from the year 2022. While the primary school student graph shows that the countries that take the most space on the sunburst are countries that are least developed, the other two graphs show that less developed countries take the most space on the sunburst. Both these insights indicate that there are a lot more least-developed and less-developed countries than there are more developed countries. Additionally, when looking at the colors that represent the regions, it becomes clear that countries within each region have similar completion rates. Overall, when comparing the percentage of completed education rates with the age of students, lower levels of education seem to have higher percentages of completed education.



EAP - East Asia and the Pacific

ECA - Europe and Central Asia

EECA - Eastern Europe and Central Asia

ESA - Eastern and Southern Africa

LAC - Latin America and the Caribbean

MENA - Middle East and North Africa

NA - North America

SA - South Asia

SSA - Sub-Saharan Africa

WCA - West and Central Africa


The development of countries is divided into groups based on income which was measured using gross national income per capita.