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This page looks at how residence affects education in different areas of the world. Residence is defined as the location of the student's home in terms of rural or urban area.

Residence vs Completion Rates

Description of Graph and Insights

This is a scatter plot with rural completion rates on the x-axis and urban completion rates on the y-axis. The sub-plots are separated by region*. The data is from 2010-2020. Points that are further shifted up than they are right, have higher urban completion rates. This graph shows that Sub-Saharan Africa has a large difference between rural and urban completion rates. Europe and Central Asia have very high completion rates for both rural and urban areas.

Difference between Rural and Urban vs Completion Rates

Description of Graph and Insights

This graph displays the difference between rural and urban completion rates. A greater difference is shown in yellow, while a smaller difference is shown in blue. The data is from 2010-2020. From this graph, we can see that Africa has a much greater difference between these values, than the rest of the world.

Residence vs Digital Connectivity

Description of Graph and Insights

This graph shows the distribution of digital connectivity rates for urban and rural communities across the globe. The range of the data is shown by the lines. The middle line shows the average, while the edges of the box show upper and lower quartile bounds. This data was gathered through household surveys from 2010 to present, using the most recent data submitted. Digital connectivity is defined as school-age children that have internet access at home. This shows that globally, while both rural and urban areas have a similar range in digital connectivity, urban areas have much better digital connectivity on average.

Residence vs Foundational Learning

Description of Graph and Insights

This graph shows the distribution of foundational learning rates for urban and rural communities across the globe. The range of the data is shown by the lines. The middle line shows the average, while the edges of the box show upper and lower quartile bounds. Reading data is shown in red, while numeracy data is shown in blue. Foundational learning is defined as the percentage of children who achieve minimum levels of proficiency in the given subject. This data was sourced from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey between the years of 2017-2020. For both rural and urban areas, reading had higher percentages of foundational learning. This graph shows that urban areas have better average foundational learning than rural areas.



EAP - East Asia and the Pacific

ECA - Europe and Central Asia

EECA - Eastern Europe and Central Asia

ESA - Eastern and Southern Africa

LAC - Latin America and the Caribbean

MENA - Middle East and North Africa

NA - North America

SA - South Asia

SSA - Sub-Saharan Africa

WCA - West and Central Africa