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This page looks at how region affects education in different areas of the world.

Region vs Digital Connectivity

Description of Graph and Insights

This graph correlates digital connectivity values to a color value. Lower percentages are yellow, while higher percentages are blue. This data was gathered through household surveys from 2010 to the present, using the most recent data submitted. Digital connectivity is defined as school-age children that have internet access at home. This choropleth shows how digital connectivity varies by region. Africa and South India have lower rates while South America and Europe have much higher rates.

Region vs Completion Rates

Description of Graph and Insights

This scatter plot shows completion rates. The data is divided by each country and is color-coded by region*. The data is from 2010-2020. This graph shows how completion rates vary by region*. Europe and Central Asia have pretty consistently high completion rates. Sub-Saharan Africa has the most consistently low completion rates. Latin America and the Caribbean and East Asia and the Pacific have widely varying completion rates.



EAP - East Asia and the Pacific

ECA - Europe and Central Asia

EECA - Eastern Europe and Central Asia

ESA - Eastern and Southern Africa

LAC - Latin America and the Caribbean

MENA - Middle East and North Africa

NA - North America

SA - South Asia

SSA - Sub-Saharan Africa

WCA - West and Central Africa


The development of countries is divided into groups based on income which was measured using gross national income per capita.