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This page looks at how wealth affects education in different areas of the world.

Wealth vs Digital Connectivity

Description of Graph and Insights

This is a violin plot. It shows the distribution of digital connectivity data points for each country’s wealth classification. This data was gathered through household surveys from 2010 to present, using the most recent data submitted. Digital connectivity is defined as school-age children that have internet access at home. This plot shows that as a country’s wealth increases, the digital connectivity increases. This makes sense because internet connection costs money.

Wealth vs Foundational Learning

Description of Graph and Insights

This is a bar chart of foundational learning averages for each income quintile. These averages were calculated separately for reading and numeracy and they are shown in red and blue respectively. Foundational learning is defined as the percentage of children who achieve minimum levels of proficiency in the given subject. This data was sourced from the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey between the years of 2017-2020. This graph shows that as wealth increases, so does the learning. This makes sense because education and resources to support it cost money.